Home Communication Events Back New search in Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space Space European Space Forum Print Share Details GMV is sponsoring the European Space Forum, an event to be held in Brussels from July 5 to 7. With a focus on the core pillars of security and defense, sustainability, competition, innovation and connectivity, the event will provide an opportunity to meet and discuss the key challenges and opportunities as Europe seeks to fulfill its space ambitions and secure its position as a strong, leading, and resilient member of the global space market. The main themes this year will be: the EU space and defense strategy; IRIS and security-based connectivity; sustainability and security of space operations; supporting the SDGs through space; space funding and investment in an uncertain world; enabling a competitive and innovative EU space sector; and the EU's role in international space policy. In addition to sponsoring the event GMV will be presenting two papers, one in the connectivity session and the other in the STM session. Details 05/07/2023 - 07/07/2023 Brussels (Belgium) More info Related Space The 17th European Space Conference analyzes the future of European space with the participation of GMV Space GMV will develop a new version of the Galileo HAS high accuracy service data generator Space GMV awarded a prize by the British Embassy in Spain for its commitment to the space industry