Home Communication News Back New search Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space IndustryAutomation Automation and sustainability: the answer to digital transformation 15/06/2021 Print Share The renewal of the industrial sector is facing significant challenges such as the necessary increase in scale and productivity or a reduction in energy consumption. Industry of the future is based on merging the physical and digital worlds, where data management is key, and other aspects such as automation are increasingly essential in promoting efficiency and sustainability. The “Intelligent Industry & Mobility” event, organized by the enerTIC platform, analyzed initiatives, projects and technologies related to sensorization, automation and robotization to face the challenge of a more sustainable industry. GMV Secure e-Solutions Industry Sector Director Miguel Hormigo began his presentation by describing the current situation in which we are destroying our planet (for example, oceans act as a filter trapping 30% of the carbon dioxide and over 80% of the heat generated by greenhouse gases, which is causing a change in sea temperatures that has led in the past 30 years to the loss of 50% of the world’s coral) and then offered a message of hope, pointing out that we are still in time to revers the situation and improve our future by focusing on three key pillars: environment, economic viability and social equity. Miguel Hormigo is committed to seeking out our competitive edges and applying a long-term strategic industrial policy, a digital transformation plan in which our country leads in technological development, and a sustainable energy policy that is efficient and committed to the environment. Along this line, industry needs smart software to tackle the weaknesses and focus on creating value, improving productivity, discovering knowledge, managing risks and optimizing costs. With the right technology, companies can be incredibly agile in managing costs, increasing efficiency and avoiding costly mistakes. In addition, combining digitization, automation and knowledge based on data, focusing on new sustainable business models, can be a key differentiator and a driving force in being competitive while respecting our planet. Print Share Related Industry GMV presents uPathWay at the XPONENTIAL Europe 2025 international trade fair Industry XPONENTIAL Europe 2025 18 Feb - 20 Feb CorporateIndustry Atlas Tecnológico #ReviveVALENCIA 18 Dec 9:00 AM - 2:30 PM