Home Communication News Back New search Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space Intelligent Transportation Systems Fleet management and tracking system for Autocares MILO 05/07/2013 Print Share The road passenger transport company Autocares MILO, working from Madrid, Seville and Toledo, has turned to GMV for setting up an advanced fleet management and tracking system on all its buses to streamline the service and increase passenger safety. Autocares MILO has a long track record at both national and international level. In search of service-quality, -safety and -comfort it is firmly committed to continuous technological innovation and seeks to equip its vehicles with all the latest breakthroughs. In keeping with this philosophy, Autocares MILO has decided to take up GMV’s advanced fleet management solution, MOVILOC® , due to its recognized technical benefits for passenger transport companies.MOVILOC® is a fleet management and tracking system providing tracking data and route reports via a secure, quick and user-friendly internet connection. This particular project includes installation of GMV’s U10 onboard units. GMV will also be providing all necessary support on IT equipment and will train up Autocares MILO’s personnel in how to use MOVILOC® as a management tool. This system will provide Autocares MILO with a powerful and complete fleet management and tracking service based on GMV’s inhouse PalView® platform. PalView® provides support for vehicle-tracking services using GIS, GPS, and GPRS technology and web applications. The main benefits that Autocares MILO will gain from MOVILOC® are the following: real time vehicle tracking, fleet inventories with tracking of each bus, monitoring and verification of routes and historical records of past operations (routes, distances, speeds, stops). Print Share Related Intelligent Transportation Systems 5th Edition of the ANFAC Forum 20 Feb Intelligent Transportation Systems 21st Metropolitan Mobility Observatory Technical Conference Intelligent Transportation Systems GMV drives innovation in the public transport system of the Madrid Region