Home Communication News Back New search Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space Cybersecurity GMV analyzes the importance of cybersecurity in Seville 14/11/2017 Print Share Ibercaja, with GMV’s collaboration, held in Seville an educational and awareness-raising session on one of today’s hottest topics: cybersecurity. National security experts looked at the key factors in heading off any cyberattacks and the main consequences of cybercrime in companies. GMV, as a trend-setting cybersecurity firm, took part in the panel discussion, with the intervention of Javier Zubieta, Cybersecurity Business Development Manager at GMV Secure e-Solutions. His intervention revolved around the current state of cybersecurity activities in an organization’s various corporate departments. This is essential for companies to build up an across-the-board awareness, since cybersecurity is not the sole problem of any company’s IT department but rather affects the firm as a whole. The panel discussion stressed the importance of cybersecurity in business models to avoid data-protection vulnerabilities. The experts also analyzed companies’ habitual practices and the ways of minimizing the impact of cyberattacks. Print Share Related Cybersecurity 2nd Smart Ports Chair Symposium 05 Feb 8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Cybersecurity 18th STIC CCN-CERT Conference | 6th ESPDEF-CERT Cyber-Defense Conference: ICT R&D&I as a guarantee of strategic sovereignty Cybersecurity GMV awarded a prize by SIC magazine for its three-decade track record and contribution to the cybersecurity sector