Home Communication News Back New search Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space Defense and Security GMV helps to shape the strategy of Spain’s industrial defense sector 23/12/2015 Print Share After the European Councils of December 2013 and June 2015 the European Defence Technological and Industrial Base, albeit slowly and with many difficulties, is still taking shape and making headway, according to the guiding ideas of European institutions and in particular the European Commission. To this end both Spain’s government and industry now need to trim their sails to prevailing winds in the interests of taking the proper actions of protection, consolidation, restructuring and reorganization of the sector, as need be.As a tried-and-tested supplier of armed forces and international defense and security organizations in the engineering, design, development, integration and maintenance of defense and security systems, GMV has played a key role in drawing up Monograph 146 of the Higher National-Defense Studies Center (Centro de Estudios Superiores de la Defensa: CESEDEN), entitled “Spain’s defense industry after the European Councils of December 2013 and June 2015”, reflecting and reiterating the key, strategic role of Spain’s defense industry and the roadmap for the main lines of action in upcoming years. During the official presentation of the Monograph, held in the head office of CESEDEN on 14 December, Manuel Pérez Cortés, GMV’s Director of Defense and Security and author of one of the chapters of the document, stressed “the importance and need of setting up a vertical industrial sector specializing in technological defense niches, made up by solvent firms properly dimensioned to suit the technological niche concerned or strategic capacity”. He added, “it is essential for the state to keep up a long-term policy of support for the sector, to ensure and drive the ongoing success of Spanish firms, creating highly skilled jobs and wealth for the whole country and ratifying the key, strategic role of this activity". Print Share Related Defense and Security GMV coordinates the GENIUS project to revolutionize the detection and neutralization of explosive devices Defense and Security Analyzing the strengths of Madrid's defense industry Defense and Security João Neto awarded “Best Poster” prize at INForum 2024