Home Communication News Back New search Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space Space GMV provides the Flight dynamics system for the O3b constellation 17/05/2011 Print Share Thales Alenia Space has awarded GMV a contract for supplying the flight dynamics system of the O3b satellite constellation being set up for O3b Networks Ltd (Other 3 billion). The constellation, to be formed by 16 satellites in circular orbit along the equator, is designed to improve Internet access from remote areas of the world. The aim is to provide broadband internet coverage to about 3 billion users (half the world’s population), almost all of them from emerging countries, thus helping to narrow the “digital divide”. Unlike other communications satellites the O3Bs will not be placed in a geostationary orbit (at a height of 36,000 kilometers) but rather at about 8,000 kilometers; this solution will speed up transmission rates considerably as the distance over which the signals are sent is much smaller. At this height the communications latency is reduced fivefold, to about 0.1 second. The flight dynamics system will be based on focusCn, from the GMV´s focussuite Flight Dynamics Software family for satellite constellation, and will be set up as part of the Thales Alenia Space ground control system to support the whole life cycle of the satellites: launch, positioning in the allocated slot, routine operations and deorbiting. The system will be installed by Thales Alenia Space in Betzdorf (Luxembourg) and in a location in USA not yet defined. GMV will also provide support for flight dynamic system integration and training courses for the operators. Print Share Related Space GMV to support the evolution of the Galileo Reference Centre Space The small satellites industry boosts its future at the SSSIF in Malaga Space GMV participates in the III Space Day of EMACOT of the Air and Space Force