Home Communication News Back New search Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space Defense and Security GMV receives a visit from the course of Higher Strategic Studies for Senior Ibero-American Officers 09/05/2016 Print Share On 4 May GMV received a visit from the course of Higher Strategic Studies for Senior Ibero-American Officers (Altos Estudios Estratégicos para Oficiales Superiores Iberoamericanos: XV AEEOSI), a course given by the Higher Defense Studies School (Escuela de Altos Estudios de la Defensa: EALEDE) and held in the Higher National-Defense Studies Center (Centro de Estudios Superiores de la Defensa: CESEDEN). The course, being held for the fifteenth time this year, aims to bring future challenges to wider notice in a consolidated academic environment as well as forging even closer bonds of cooperation and friendliness between the representatives of the participating Ibero-American countries. During the seven-week course several visits are made to units of the armed forces and the Spanish Guardia Civil, national, regional and local institutions and also to different defense firms. Two journeys are also made, a first one called "convivencia" (fellow feeling) around national territory and a second one to Belgium to find out in situ how the European Union and NATO works.On their arrival at GMV’s site the delegation, made up by 4 professors and 40 students, was received by GMV's Adviser on Defense and Security, Ricardo Torrón, and by the General Manager of Homeland Security and Defense, Manuel Pérez. The visit was then organized in various parts. After a few introductory words from GMV's Adviser on Defense and Security, Ricardo Torrón, the General Manager of Homeland Security and Defense, Manuel Pérez, then ran though the company’s main business lines before focusing on GMV’s defense and security activities. GMV staff then demoed several up-and-running systems, such as the unified fire-support system, TALOS, now operational in all artillery groups of the army and marine infantry and the landing-craft control system (SCE in Spanish initials), operational on various amphibious assault ships and LCMs of the Spanish navy. Demos were also given of the products developed to support Spanish participation in the multinational MAJIIC program (SAPEM program): the database manager CSD SIERRA, the mission planning system IRM&CM ATENEA, the data mining and analysis station SEISMO, the environment simulator COLLECTOR and the command and control system C2-NEC. GMV’s capabilities in avionics equipment development and maintenance were also on display, such as the UAV ATLANTE flight computer, in charge of the aircraft’s navigation, guidance and control.To wind up the visit GMV then presented some of its space activities, highlighting its leadership as supplier of ground control systems for operators of commercial telecommunications satellites. This year’s group of 40 students, all generals and colonels, come not only from Spain and Portugal but from 16 Ibero-American countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic, Uruguay and Venezuela. Print Share Related Defense and Security GMV coordinates the GENIUS project to revolutionize the detection and neutralization of explosive devices Defense and Security Analyzing the strengths of Madrid's defense industry Defense and Security João Neto awarded “Best Poster” prize at INForum 2024