Home Back New search Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space Blog Corporate Why do we celebrate the International Week of Science and Peace? 05/11/2021 Print Share Every November, during the week of the 11th, we celebrate what is known as the “International Week of Science and Peace”. However, there are many people who don’t know why this week was first celebrated, when it came about and why we still celebrate it. To better understand the reason behind this celebration, we must go back to its origins. It was in 1986 that the first International Week of Science and Peace was held as a government initiative, as part of the International Year of Peace. To better understand the context, the International Year of Peace was proclaimed by the UN to foster a culture of peace and trust without borders among the world’s nations, through political dialog, mutual understanding and cooperation. During that week, various activities were carried out and proved to be a resounding success, and the organizers saw an opportunity to continue with this celebration in successive years. Thirty-five years later, this week is still marked on our calendars today. The annual celebration Two years after being held for the first time, in December 1988 it was recognized as an annual celebration when it was included in resolution 43/61, adopted by the General Assembly. Thus, the “International Week of Science and Peace” was officially proclaimed and would take place every year during the week of November 11. So that it would not be forgotten in the calendar, the General Assembly itself urged Member States and intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations to encourage institutions, associations and even individuals to take part, organizing conferences and all kinds of activities with the aim of promoting scientific progress and its connection to maintaining peace and security. As a result, it was also established that there should be greater international cooperation among scientists from different Member States. Thanks to this initiative, the week’s annual celebration has helped to further promote peace, a universally important topic. And this international cooperation provides accessible information to the general public, allowing them to become aware of the close relationship between scientific advances and achieving peace in society, emphasizing that in order to achieve one, it’s necessary to invest in the other. The ultimate goal of this week’s annual celebration is to increase the opportunities for cooperation in the applications of science that promote a society with access to resources, which is protected and develops in an equitable way. GMV’s contribution Over the course of these years, GMV has continued to research and develop new solutions and products to offer the most cutting-edge technologies in the various sectors it specializes in, such as space, aeronautics, defense and security, automotive, intelligent transportation systems, cybersecurity, digital technologies, industry, healthcare, finance and services. Its continuous effort to further progress has allowed it to participate in and even lead numerous international projects. These projects aim to promote the sustainable development of the planet and to connect and provide services to people all around the globe. Thanks to earth observation technologies, satellite imagery provides important information for people living in rural and highly isolated areas, allowing them to manage and monitor their fields, thus promoting development processes in rural areas and contributing to sustainable agricultural development. GMV is also working on the development of telemedicine platforms for taking care of people’s health by means of multidisciplinary and remote healthcare. This way everyone has access to an essential service and universal health coverage. Quality of life in urban centers is also an important aspect for GMV. As more and more people are moving to cities, mobility has a greater impact on the environment, and therefore on the well-being of citizens. GMV develops eco-efficient technologies for sustainable mobility in both the public and private transportation sectors. These are just a few examples of GMV’s commitment to continuing to advance science and promote cooperation among different entities in order to offer solutions that will bring progress at both a scientific and human level, and whose implementation will help to manage resources more efficiently everywhere without leaving anyone behind. This is why it’s important to celebrate the “International Week of Science and Peace” every year so we can bear witness to the progress we’re making and the progress we’ll make as a cooperative society. Author: Ana Isabel Martínez Szydlowski Print Share Comments Your name Subject Comment About text formats Restricted HTML Allowed HTML tags: <a href hreflang target> <em> <strong> <cite> <blockquote cite> <code> <ul type> <ol start type> <li> <dl> <dt> <dd> <h2 id> <h3 id> <h4 id> <h5 id> <h6 id> Lines and paragraphs break automatically. Web page addresses and email addresses turn into links automatically. CAPTCHA Leave this field blank