Home Back New search in Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space 11 ENISE Print Share Details The International Information-Security Meeting (Encuentro Internacional de Seguridad de la Información: ENISE), organized by Spain’s National Institute of Communication Technologies (Instituto Nacional de Ciberseguridad de España: INCIBE), is the annual meeting point of the cybersecurity industry and professionals, bringing together the various stakeholders of a rapidly growing field: the protection of cyberspace. Under the banner “Cybersecurity Challenges in a Connected World” debate will revolve around the current state of cybersecurity in Spain, the challenges we face at national level and those faced by the sector as a whole, to sketch out the international picture and study burning issues of the present and future such as Internet of Things and Blockchain. In this scenario Javier Zubieta, Cybersecurity Business Development Manager at GMV Secure e-Solutions, is taking part in the panel discussion “Transference, Cyber Intelligence, Cybersecurity Challenges” (Wednesday 25 October, 13.00 hours). Schedule Details 24/10/2017 - 25/10/2017 MORE INFORMATION