4th Conference on Critical Infrastructure Protection

The National Critical Infrastructure Protection Center (Centro Nacional de Protección de Infraestructuras Críticas: CNPIC) and Fundación Borredá, are organizing the fourth Critical Infrastructure Protection (Protección de Infraestructuras Críticas: PIC) conference.

The event will bring together government officials, operators and providers of critical infrastructure security to debate and discuss the current situation and future challenges.

GMV will feature large at the conference, supporting it as one of the sponsors while two of its CIP experts will be presenting papers. Javier Zubieta, Head of Cybersecurity Business Development at GMV Secure e-Solutions, will be talking about “Best practices in cybersecurity vulnerability management”, while Oscar Tejedor, Security Head of GMV's Protection Service will be dealing with the subject of "Security Policies: planning".



Source URL: http://www.gmv.com/media/events/4th-conference-critical-infrastructure-protection