Workshop: Why the Media Should Be Talking About Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity has become an essential aspect of our increasingly digitalized society. There are many media professionals who have decided to specialize in this subject, in order to report on stories related to technology and information security. When discussing a subject as complex as cybersecurity, journalists should be meeting certain criteria on rigorous reporting, but news stories should also be written in a way that makes them understandable for readers, to help members of the public become aware of the need to protect their personal data and information against unwanted intrusions.

In this context, GMV and the Madrid Press Association (Asociación de Prensa de Madrid, or APM) are hosting a workshop for that association’s members on the subject of cybersecurity applied to journalism. This educational session will feature participation by Javier Zubieta, GMV’s Marketing and Communication Manager for Secure e‑Solutions, and Paula González, GMV’s Head of Cybersecurity & Digital Strategy for Business.

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Claudio Coello, 98 (Madrid, Spain)

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