On-board software framework for space


On-board software framework for space

GFSW® is a pre-qualified, configurable, robust and low footprint on-board software framework for space missions created upon the expertise gained from previous ESA operational activities such as the Intermediate eXperimental Vehicle (IXV), Space Rider or instruments on Copernicus satellites.

GFSW® is provided pre-qualified and it is tailored for your real time operating system and your target. GFSW® allows reducing risks and time in your on-board software development starting from a pre-qualified framework, and ensuring compatibility with space ground control systems by using standards: Packet Utilization Service (PUS) and SCOS 2000 database.

GFSW® has been designed following the ECSS standards, ECSS-E-ST-40C, ECSS-Q-ST-80C and ECSS-E-ST-41C [B/C] for criticality categories from C to A.

Main features


  • Software Initialization: initializes the software following a safe order and reporting the results.
  • Standard PUS Services complying ECSS-E-ST-70-41 [B/C]. Available services allow remote monitoring and control of spacecraft subsystems and payloads. Additionally, using services 5, 12 and 19 it is possible to define the FDIR by configuration allowing late tunning.
    • Service 1: request verification
    • Service 3: housekeeping
    • Service 5: event reporting
    • Service 6: memory management
    • Service 12: on-board monitoring
    • Service 19: event-action
    • Service 20: parameter management
  • Timeline management: executes a configurable timeline based on time and events.
  • Telemetry management: following the PUS standard.
  • Telecommand management: each module is able to register the telecommand and it will be automatically routed and scheduled.
  • Supervisor: tasks execution is monitored to detect malfunctioning and errors.
  • On-board software update via telecommands.
  • Real Time capabilities, including tasks defined based on the Ravenscar profile and communication through the Ceiling Priority and Priority Inheritance Protocols.
  • DataPool: on-board database allowing safe communication between different modules.
  • Mathlib: qualified mathematical library. Verification in the selected target is included.
  • OS Abstraction layer: the operating system is abstracted to allow easy porting to the selected RTOS and target.
  • Unused services auto removed to avoid dead code.

Data-package, based on ECSS standard, is made available together with the GFSW® software:

  • Software Requirement Specification (SRS)
  • Software Design Document (SDD)
  • Interface Control Document (ICD)
  • Software User Manual (SUM)
  • Software Product Assurance Plan (SPAP)
  • Software Product Assurance Report (SPAR)
  • Software Unit and Integration Test Plan (SUITP)
  • Software Unit and Integration Test Report (SUITR)
  • Software Verification Test Report (SVR)
  • Verification Control Document (VCD)
  • Commodity Export Classification Certificate (CEC)
  • Git CI/CD: a gitlab project is made available to allow easy integration and communication with external software projects and development teams.
  • Docker: development environment is provided as a docker image.
  • Examples: several examples are provided together with the software user manual to speed the learning curve for the software developers.
  • Database management tool: a specific database management tool is included compatible with the SCOS2000 database which is extensively used in ground control centers. The tool can automatically generate source code compatible with GFSW®.

List of customers / users


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