Home Communication Events Back New search in Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space Cybersecurity 14th Comprehensive Security Meeting (Seg2) Print Share Details The journals Red Seguridad and Seguritecnia are holding the 14th edition of the Comprehensive Security Meeting (Seg2) on June 30 as a TV experience. With the theme of “Comprehensive Security: From VUCA to a Hybrid Reality,” this year’s event will be dedicated to the hybrid reality requiring us to adopt extraordinary measures in the new geopolitical landscape. This is a context truly affecting companies, governments, and society, requiring them to be resilient and know how to navigate through this perfect storm. Rosalía Esquivel Méndez, from GMV’s Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Division, the coordinator of the CUCO project, is discussing the CUCO Project at the event. In her talk, she will discuss a specific case study from the space sector, within the field of Earth observation (12:30h). SIGN UP MORE INFO Details 30/06/2022 9:00 am - 6:15 pm Virtual MORE INFO Related Cybersecurity 2nd Smart Ports Chair Symposium 05 Feb 8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Cybersecurity 18th STIC CCN-CERT Conference | 6th ESPDEF-CERT Cyber-Defense Conference: ICT R&D&I as a guarantee of strategic sovereignty Cybersecurity GMV awarded a prize by SIC magazine for its three-decade track record and contribution to the cybersecurity sector