Home Communication Events Back New search in Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space Space 2nd NEO and Debris Detection Conference Print Share Details GMV will attend the 2nd ESA NEO and Debris Detection Conference, to be held in Darmstadt, Germany, from 24 to 26 January. Space safety is a growing concern for all spacefaring nations. The increasing number of human-made space objects due to fragmentation events, as well as acceleration launch rates and the population of near-Earth objects (NEOs) all pose a serious threat to our infrastructure in orbit and on the ground. This second ESA conference on the topic will once again bring together the NEO and space debris observation communities. It will focus on recent progress made by exploring synergies between search programs, orbit determination, and risk management for NEOs and space objects. The key aspects of these synergies are telescopes and radar systems, instrumentation, observation techniques, data processing approaches, and data exchange standardization. Diego Escobar Antón, head of GMV’s SST Systems Southern Europe, Technical Coordination, and Products (S3T) division of EST Space Systems, will take part as a panelist in “Better together: Highlights and prospects for NEO and debris detection in observation networks.” Given GMV’s leading position in the areas covered by this conference, it will also be participating with seven presentations: - Estefania Padilla in “Satellite laser ranging for attitude determination and D4R to enable ADR of future space debris”. - Marc Belmonte in “Passive ranging solution design to maintain a catalogue of active objects in GEO”. - Alejandro Pastor in “A multiple target tracking filter for non-cooperative space objects”. - Adrián Hernández in “New STM services: Radio-Frequency Interference Events Detection, Characterisation and Source Identification”. - Laura Aivar in “SLR - Evolution towards active sensor networking for debris observation including the update of the Izaña-1 station”. - Pablo Ramírez in “The NEO Toolkit: a new set of astronomical tools for the NEO community”. - Alejandro Pastor in “Improving orbit prediction via thermospheric density calibration”. and four posters: Alejandro Cano in “Covariance propagation and determination with time-correlated errors”. - George Dan in “Automated Collision Risk Assessment and Mitigation”. - Bogdan Bija in “gendared: the Generic Data Reduction Framework for Space Surveillance”. - Felix Stechowsky in “Achievable orbit estimation accuracy through space-based passive optical observations: a sensor requirement analysis”. Details 24/01/2023 - 26/01/2023 Darmstadt (Germany) More info Related Space GMV participates in the III Space Day of EMACOT of the Air and Space Force Space Boosting the future of small satellites at SmallSat Symposium 2025 Space The 17th European Space Conference analyzes the future of European space with the participation of GMV