Home Communication News Back New search Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space GMV in the Galileo program Celebrating 200 days of GCS V3.0 21/02/2022 Print Share The Galileo Ground Control Segment (GCS) V3.0 infrastructure, developed under the leadership of GMV, has reached a milestone this Sunday, February 20th, completing 200 days since it started to be used to operate the Galileo Satellite Constellation. Since winning in 2018, the contract for maintenance, development and upgrading of Galileo’s GCS with the European Space Agency (ESA), GMV has dedicated all its efforts to make this challenge come true. The Ground Control Segment is responsible for monitoring all constellation satellites and comprises the main operations center, located in Munich (Germany) and Fucino (Italy), as well as the various monitoring stations spread throughout the world. Through this time, the GCS has undergone a mayor upgrade to increase system capabilities, virtualisation, obsolescence resolution and operational improvements. This work, performed by a consortium led by GMV, represents a step forward towards the Galileo FOC (“Full Operational Capability”) that includes the capacity for the segment to manage up to 38 satellites. Furthermore, on December 5th, two more Galileo Satellites were incorporated into the Constellation after a successful Galileo Launch No11 resulting in 28 satellites currently in orbit. Launch No11 and its LEOP have been a success not only for the Galileo Program but as well for GMV, being the first time that the Design and Development of the LEOP Infrastructure has been performed completely by an industrial company. This is a big achievement, and GMV is very proud to have many different areas and departments of the company implicated in this significant project. Print Share Related GMV in the Galileo program EUSPA awards GMV the contract to develop Galileo's Emergency aid Satellite Services GMV in the Galileo program Successful Launch of Galileo L13 9th International Colloquium of Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of GNSS 25 Sep - 27 Sep