Home Communication News Back New search Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space Positioning, navigation, and timing GMV present at the Munich Satellite Summit 06/04/2022 Print Share In March took place the virtual conference Munich Satellite Navigation Summit. A conference with global impact that focuses on satellite navigation in the present day and future. This year's theme was "AI in GNSS – intelligence brought to Navigation" and it brought together worldwide speakers from industry, science and governments providing the participants with a broad overview and different perspectives on the latest developments in the field of GNSS. The Summit featured sessions from industry experts and GMV as a world leader in Global Navigation Satellites Systems (GNSS), participated in them. In the Secure PNT Services session it was discussed the increasing dependency of many commercial and safety & security related applications on GNSS and provided an overview of the diverse Galileo security services OSNMA, CAS and PRS, highlighting their differences and corresponding use cases. Also, in the Space PNT in Europe session it covered the future of Space PNT beyond the current Galileo/EGNOS systems and their future evolutions. The panelists provided an overview of Europe's PNT ambitions to not only secure Europe's leadership in Satellite Navigation today but to also expand its relevance further over future decades. The Summit is part of the efforts of the Bavarian government and the cluster on aerospace and satellite navigation to stimulate applications and services in this high-tech field. Print Share Related Positioning, navigation, and timing Munich Satellite Navigation Summit 26 Mar - 28 Mar Positioning, navigation, and timing ARAIMFUSE: next steps of ARAIM 20 Nov Positioning, navigation, and timing GMV GSharp is at the leading edge worldwide for precise GNSS corrections