Home Communication News Back New search Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space Industry Industrial Automation discussed at the AER Automation and UVIGO event 17/06/2021 Print Share The industrial sector is in a globalized and highly competitive economic situation, where process automation has become a key factor in optimizing production and satisfying demand with reduced prices and delivery times. Along this line, industrial automation today is an essential factor for business survival, development and growth in any industry. To discuss that, the Spanish Robotics and Automation Association (AER Automation), in collaboration with the University of Vigo, has organized a series of virtual roundtables with experts from different companies. At these events, GMV has shared its experience by explaining the different trends and solutions that are becoming essential to achieving more efficient and sustainable production. During his presentation, GMV Industry Sector Business Partner Ángel C. Lázaro mentioned some of the work that is underway in the field of robotics, such as collaborative robotic solutions that enable laboratory material to be handled for recycling. He also highlighted the collaboration with different companies to work on autonomous robotics projects to resolve the last-mile issue in cities with specific zones that are closed to traffic. As a market trend, an interesting concept that was discussed is the Robots-as-a-Service (RaaS) model, so that SMEs can incorporate the latest technology in their processes without having to make massive investments (such as renting the robots). Another of the concepts that is especially important in this areas, which Ángel C. Lázaro mentioned in his presentation, is the IT-OT convergence. The integration of the information technology systems (used for data-focused computing) with operational technology systems (used to supervise events, processes, devices and making adjustments to business and industrial operations) provides interoperability in production so that industry is capable of adapting products and services simply and agilely, as it will be interconnected at every stage thanks to the robots, machines, quality control solutions, mobile platforms or business design and management software. At GMV, we are currently expanding our capabilities by developing solutions that cover everything from industrial process automation using robots in the energy sector, AGV solutions for the automation of warehouses and logistics platforms, applications via the use of collaborative robots in agriculture and at scientific laboratories and the development of mobile robots that conduct a variety of tasks that, together with other technologies developed by GMV, provide us with highly specialized solutions that are perfectly adapted to the needs of our clients. Print Share Related Industry XPONENTIAL Europe 2025 18 Feb - 20 Feb CorporateIndustry Atlas Tecnológico #ReviveVALENCIA 18 Dec 9:00 AM - 2:30 PM Industry Quantum computing, key to transforming urban mobility and sustainable logistics