Home Communication News Back New search Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space Space Safety Passive RF data to track GEO satellites for the EU SST system 17/09/2024 Print Share The French Space Agency (CNES) issued a public consultation to collect Space Surveillance and Tracking (SST) data from EU-based commercial data providers for the EU SST system. The intention is to complement the data collected by national sensors (both military and civilian) with a growing amount of commercial data thus promoting the European SST industrial ecosystem.GMV has been awarded with a contract to provide Passive RF data to the EU SST system from its proprietary Focusear network of stations located in Spain for a period of two years. Focusear is able to track on a 24x7 basis more than 60 GEO satellites emitting in Ku band over Europe. With this information, the EU SST will be able to keep high accuracy and low latency custody of these active satellites to support the provision of operational collision avoidance services in GEO.With this new contract, GMV secures the EU SST as an anchor customer for Focusear, which is also providing accurate tracking data to satellite operators in GEO and complementing the commercial collision avoidance services provided by GMV’s Focusoc operations centre with proprietary ephemerides. Print Share Related Space SafetyAll Defense and Security GMV to supply the Spanish Air and Space Force with a simulator for advanced space surveillance, command, and control training Space SafetyAll Defense and Security 3rd Space Symposium at EMACOT 06 Feb Space Safety 9th European Conference on Space Debris 01 Apr - 04 Apr