Sustainability and Environment

Guaranteeing responsible social behavior is one of our prime objectives.

Environmental Policy

Environmental Management System (EMS)

The GMV Environmental Policy, defined by the General Manager and adopted by the Group companies affected by the EMS, establishes the following principles:

  • Environmental protection and conservation.
  • Commitment to continuous improvement and prevention of pollution.
  • Application, wherever possible, of the "3Rs”: Reduce, Recycle and Reuse.
  • Commitment to comply with the legislation applicable to our activities and with the requirements of our clients and other stakeholders.
  • Rational use of resources, reducing the production of waste and ensuring environmentally friendly elimination while also reducing the consumption of raw materials and energy.
  • Cooperation with the authorities and qualified entities in the implementation of the provisions established to protect the community, the employees and the environment.
  • Promotion of a sense of environmental responsibility at all levels of employment.
  • Assessment of risks to the environment in all activities.
  • Enactment of environmental improvement programs.
Sustainable Development

Annual Objectives Plan

Our objectives are to:

  • Reduce the environmental impacts of our operations and develop environmentally friendly initiatives.
  • Contribute to the creation of more sustainable societies, providing innovative solutions that contribute to improving quality of life, facilitating people's integration into society and the workforce and reducing CO2 emissions.


The EMS for the activities carried out at GMV’s headquarters in Madrid, as well as at the facilities in Valladolid, Seville, and Barcelona, complies with the UNE-EN ISO14001:2015 standard.

Environmental Management System Certificates

Carbon footprint certificate

Environmental systems

Energy Management System Certificate

Energy Management Systems

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