GMV will be sponsoring the fifth European Space Generation Workshop (E-SGW), to be held online this year from 28 to 29 May.
This yearly event is organized by the Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC), the United Nations space applications support program.
Under the banner theme “Space for Earth and Humanity” E-SGW will bring together participants from the whole of Europe plus representatives from the main space firms and institutions.
With the aim of showing how space could contribute towards a more sustainable future down on earth, E-SGW hopes to give a voice to the young space generation in the form of working groups, chats and discussion panels with experts, backing new Europe-wide initiatives and encouraging interaction among the young from different countries.
E-SGW will bring together undergraduates, MSc and PhD students, young professionals, experts, academics, space agencies and industry representatives to swap notes, improve inter-country cooperation, share best practices and enrich the prospects of the next generation in space affairs.
By running events of this type, SGAC gleans the opinions and recommendations of its members and takes an active part in the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) (UN COPUOS) and its subcommittees and forums.