2nd Seminar “Cybersecurity: twenty-first century threats”

The seminar “Cybersecurity: twenty-first century threats”, organized by the Technological University of Chile (Universidad Tecnológica de Chile: INACAP) and the Economic Crime Brigade (Brigada de Delitos Económicos: BRIDEC) of the Investigative Police, aims to bring home the importance of cybersecurity to companies, institutions and persons.

During the seminar Carlos Sahuquillo, Security Consultant of GMV’s Secure e-Solutions sector, is giving a paper on blockchain and cryptocurrencies under the title “Cryptocurrencies, Can I get rich by mining Bitcoins?” (15.00-16.15 hours).



Source URL: https://www.gmv.com/media/events/2nd-seminar-cybersecurity-twenty-first-century-threats