Industry 4.0 Enabling Technologies Conference

The Ministry of Employment, Enterprise and Commerce  (Consejería de Empleo, Empresa y Comercio) and the Andalusian Technology Corporation (Corporación Tecnológica de Andalucía), with GMV’s collaboration, is organizing the Industry 4.0 Enabling Technologies Conference, to be held at 10.30 hours on 12 February in Seville.

This conference is geared towards all the digital transformation stakeholders of Andalusian industry, focusing especially on technology firms, within the framework of the Andalusia 2020 ICT Sector Promotion Strategy and Andalusia’s Industrial Strategy.

Miguel Hormigo, Southern Region Manager and Industry 4.0 Team Leader at GMV Secure e-Solutions, is giving a paper on PRODUCTIO: Productivity Industrial Enhancement through Enabling (13.10-13.30 hours). This project is being run by a national multisector and multidisciplinary R&D consortium with the remit of looking into diverse technologies, techniques, tools, methodologies and knowledge designed to boost the operational capability of industrial processes within the context of connected industry.



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