1st Hospital 4.0 Security Conference

The trade review Red Seguridad and the Industrial Security Center (Centro de Ciberseguridad Industrial: CCI), in collaboration with the trade review Seguritecnia and Fundación Borredá, are putting on the 1st Hospital 4.0 Security Conference, to be held on 10 July in Madrid with the remit of studying integral security in hospital environments.

This sector is becoming increasingly concerned about the risks of patient-service digitalization systems and the growing interconnectivity of medical devices. Imminent implementation in Spain of the NIS Directive and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) are two other challenges that now need to be met head on.

GMV is sponsoring the event and Julio Vivero, International Business Partner of GMV’s Secure e-Solutions sector, is giving a paper on technological tools and cybersecurity in the healthcare sector at 12.30 hours.



Source URL: https://www.gmv.com/media/events/1st-hospital-40-security-conference