Turn your company’s data to good account

The Business Competitiveness Institute of Castilla y León (Instituto para la Competitividad Empresarial de Castilla y León: ICE) and the Technology Center Foundation of Miranda de Ebro (Fundación Centro Tecnológico de Miranda de Ebro), forming part of the Castilla y León Innovation and Entrepreneurship Network (Red de Emprendimiento e Innovación de Castilla y León) have organized an R&D support and enablement program.

The Conference called “Gestiona y Rentabiliza los datos de tu empresa” (Turn your company’s data to good account), held in Burgos, includes Industry 4.0 activities, digitization, innovation in product/services design and processes, internationalization of R&D and technology-based entrepreneurship support. The purpose is to showcase the latest advances in technologies of IoT, sensor technology, Big Data and artificial intelligence as applied to the industrial and entrepreneurial sector.

Pablo González, Data Scientist of GMV Secure e-Solutions, will be giving a paper on the Big-Data-driven technological transformation, focusing on its difficulties and the lessons learned.




Source URL: http://www.gmv.com/media/events/turn-your-companys-data-good-account