Home Sectors Automotive Advanced solutions for connected autonomous vehicles Print Contact Overview Connected Autonomous Vehicle We are leaders in the automotive sector with more than 20 years of experience.Our solutions include cutting-edge technologies in autonomous driving, such us GNSS-based positioning & ADAS (computer vision, navigation, motion planning), SDV solutions (cloud-native & embedded-native architectures, microservices), safety-critical systems (up to ASIL-D, ISO 26262, ISO 21448), AI (Data processing, Decision-making, Situational Awareness, ML), cybersecurity (services, ISO 21434, PSOC & VSOC), connected vehicle solutions (safety & security, mobility, telematics) and C-ITS services (V2X). We offer customized developments for different platforms (in-vehicle, mobile, infrastructure, cloud) and a very flexible collaboration with OEMs, Tier-1s, infrastructure, mobility service providers. Automotive videos Milestones Safe and precise GNSS positioning solution for the most important OEMs and TIER-1 already in vehicles in production Support on Automotive Standards & Regulations for cybersecurity (ISO/SAE 21434 and UNECE R-155) SW Engineering for automotive solutions according to A-SPICE (CL3) for several millions of TCU Mobility platforms (C-ITS) experience for road & highway and urban environments (C-Roads & C-Streets) Our solutions Connected & Autonomous vehicle solutions Autonomous Driving & ADAS Strengths and Experience What are our main strengths?World Leaders in GNSS-based solutions.Best precise positioning solutions in the market.Expertise to create computer vision solutions involving different technologies: cameras, radar, LiDAR, UWB, etc. In-Cabin: Occupancy Detection, CPD, Driver Monitoring, Driver Identification, etc. Environmental Awareness (perception) & vision-based navigation: presence and interaction, obstacle detection, semantic segmentation, visual odometry, sensor fusion, map fusion, SLAM mapping, etc. Vehicle kinematics and dynamics characterization. Improved navigation through sensor fusion (IMU, Wheel odometry, visual odometry).Indoor and outdoor navigation.What have we done in this area? GMV-GSharp® highly precise and safe positioning product: Vision-based autonomous navigation system for fast traversal planetary rovers.Autonomous robots (including object detection, semantic segmentation, etc.) GMV GSharp® for Automotive What is GMV GSharp®?Complete GNSS Positioning Suite: Positioning Engine & Correction Service ASIL-B (ISO 26262) pre-certified solution Precise and Safe GNSS based positioning solution for highly demanding Autonomous Driving (AD) Integrity concept compliant with SOTIF (ISO 21488) Multi-constellation and multi-frequencyProprietary Global GNSS NetworkPPP-RTK technology with standard PPP messages (RTCM-SSR, IGS-SSR) and RTK SSR2OSR conversionHighly Flexible SW meeting customer integration needs with different target platforms Sensor fusion with IMU, wheel ticks, and other sensors Cybersecurity mechanisms according to ISO 21434Compatible with V2X applicationsWhat is our performance?Integrity Risk < up to 10-7/hService Availability (SLA) > 99,9 % Horizontal Accuracy < 10 cm (95%)* Convergence Time < 30 s Almost Instantaneous Reconvergence Time Service 24/7* Nominal accuracy achieved with a mass-market automotive GNSS receiver under open sky conditions. GMV GSharp® brochure Software Defined Vehicles (SDV) Strengths and Experience Strengths and Experience What are our main strengths? Mastering at creating isolated SW components (HW-independent) that can be designed, developed and tested independently following an agile approach.Experience applying cloud-native solutions for different applications and very complex systems, at every element of the ecosystem (in-vehicle, servers, infrastructure, mobile phones, etc.). Microservices-based architectures designed to guarantee agility, testability, deployability, availability, extensibility & scalability, high robustness and minimize SW regressions. Flexibility with technologies and programming languages: Containers (Docker), Orchestrators (Kubernetes), Orchestrator Management (Rancher), CI/CD (Jenkins, Git), Storage and Distribution (Docker Registry), etc. When microservices cannot apply, solutions using microkernels, middleware, HAL, etc. are available. Secure Dev-Ops and Secure OTA capabilities, according to latest regulations. Including testing and Simulators, HiL, SiL, etc. to speed up delivery time.Flexible and collaborative mindset. What have we done in this area? GMV-GSharp® highly precise and safe positioning product with integrity for BMW Group (ASIL-B).GMV Smart Mobility Suite.ITS-Suite for public transportEnhanced Galileo Green Lanes Functional Safety (FuSa) Strengths and Experience Strengths and Experience What are our main strengths?Large experience in developing safety-critical SW in different markets (+30 years), up to DAL-A (avionics equivalent of ASIL-D).Independent RAMS (Reliability, Availability, Maintainability & Safety) team providing engineering, management, techniques, and training for different areas and projects where functional safety is required (Safety and Mission Critical Systems, High reliable and available Systems, Critical Software development).Experience working in real-time systems.Possibility to offer safety services under the framework of ISO 26262 & ISO 21448 (Safety Analysis, Safety Assessment, etc.).What have we done in this area?GMV-GSharp® highly precise and safe positioning product for BMW Group (ASIL-B) GNSS (Safety Critical Systems EGNOS and Galileo.Space sector (EXOMARS, Space Rider, MIURA 1, MIURA 5, etc.)Aeronautics & Defence (EURODRONE, EUROFIGHTER, etc.) Artificial Intelligence (AI) Strengths and Experience Strengths and Experience What are our main strengths?Expertise in applying AI and ML algorithms in different areas:Data processing, decision-making support, situational awareness.Autonomous systems.Cybersecurity applications.Key actor in the application of IA for safety critical environments.Part of discussion groups on AI and its regulatory implications in the EU.Data Sharing initiatives in place, like the creation of "Data Spaces" promoted by the European Commission, which can improve AI algorithms while ensuring GDPR compliance and respecting privacy and confidentiality.What have we done in this area?In the field of ITS and automotive: occupancy prediction, range prediction, KPI generation, estimation of time of arrival (ETA), cybersecurity, etc.Combining AI with robotics for innovative solutions in space exploration and autonomous surveying.Application of AI in the farming production chain.AI-based solutions for precision medicine.Solution for the legal sector to automate the detection and extraction of information from judicial notifications.Predictive Vehicle Maintenance. Cybersecurity Strengths and Experience Strengths and Experience What are our main strengths?Leadership in setting cybersecurity Standards (part of ISO 21434 definition working group).Strong synergies between automotive and classic IT cybersecurity (especially important for SDV platforms).Expertise in automotive cybersecurity regulation compliance.Innovation in connected and autonomous vehicle security (V2X connectivity, AI-based IDPS, etc.).Security by design concept applied to internal and external developments.What have we done in this area?Consulting activities (improvement of processes, training, cybersecurity assessments, etc.) for several TIER-1s (Ficosa, Antolin).Pentesting activities for OEMs and TIER-1Evolution of GMV’s CERT into a product security operational centre (PSOC) and capability for vehicle security operational centre (VSOC). Services based on ISO 21434 Services: consultancy, execution of tasks, auditsScope: covering activities from ISO 21434, A-SPICE for cybersecurity and UNECE R-155.At company level: process definition, CSMS, ISMS, Training, Audits, etc.At project/product levelSecurity by design (TARA, mitigation plan/controls, secure development, code audits…).Security testing (pentesting, fuzzing, vulnerability an., ethical hacking, reverse eng…)Transversal/continuous activitiesSupport to products/projects in any step of life-cycle (dev, post-production, etc.).Advanced Forensic Analysis & Incident Report process (Std. & GMV’s tools (Gestvul®)Cyber-intelligence servicesAnalysis on the new cyber threat constantly monitoring dark/deep web.Certified Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) located in GMV’s facility. Product Security Operations Center (PSOC) Focused on vulnerability management and risk assessment (clause 8 from ISO 21434)Pentest for hardware and software (periodically and on-demand).Vulnerability analysis.Incident response plan & progress check.Incident response analysis in case of alert.Narrow focus on vulnerability management and threat intelligence.CMDB loaded on Gestvul® to detect related vulnerabilities.GMV-CERT Connected Vehicle Strengths and Experience Strengths and Experience What are our main strengths?Extensive experience and knowledge in developing applications & services running in different vehicle platforms (Telecommunication Box, location Box, Gateways, etc.).Expertise in advanced vehicle communication technologies (both in-vehicle and external).Pioneers in the use of GNSS satellite positioning for vehicle monitoring, including the concept of integrity, and location-based services (LBS).Innovative mobility solutions: sustainable, efficient, and eco-friendly, including management of Low Emissions Zones (LEZ) using GNSS technology.GNSS-Based Solutions for electronic tolling, exploring smartphones as onboard payment methods for urban and highways.What have we done in this area?Development of connected vehicle applications:Safety & security solutions: Emergency call (eCall, ERA-GLONASS, private eCall), Helpnet, DENATRAN SVT.Mobility services: carsharing, PAYD & UBI, fleet management, highway services.Remote telematic services & EV services: collection and processing services of data received from both the vehicle and the server.Infotainment: multimedia functions, HMI services. Apps and SDKs for solution about:eTolling / road user charging: (Satelise).High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) declaration.Low Emission Zone (LEZ) charging SDK based on GNSS. eTolling/RUC More information about eTolling/RUC Use cases for embedded SW for telematics eCall services:ERA GLONASS (Russian regulated eCall)eCall (European regulated eCall)Private eCall (manual and automatic)bCall (breakdown call, operator / concierge call)Vehicle data collection:Fleet managementPAYD/ usage basedInsurance RNQ (network quality monitoring)Vehicle statusMaintenance dataUsage based dataOther telematics services:Modem service (it provides connectivity to multimedia systems for very different services)CarsharingStolen vehicle tracking (SVT)Curfew alertRemote diagnosis serviceMaintenance alertTOW notificationRemote engine startRemote horn & lightTheft/burglar warningRemote door lock/unlockGeofence alertSMS notification (direct message to onboard system)My car finder serviceSpeed alert Cooperative ITS Strengths and Experience Strengths and Experience What are our main strengths?Application layers developed at every element of the V2X ecosystem.End-to-end use cases implementation, testing, validation and scenario simulation in V2X technology communications.Experience with multiple Services & Use Cases, both standard-based or customer-specific.Hybrid communications: 802.11p (ITS-G5) and Cellular C-V2X (5G).Integration with our GNSS Positioning Suite for AD and our GNSS eTolling.Cooperation with OEMs & TIER Is.Compatible with main OBU & RSU suppliers.What have we done in this area?C-Roads European Platform (V2I): Spain (Madrid Calle 30) & Portugal (Nacional 6, Lisbon 2ª circular and A25).Use Cases: HLN, RWW, V16, VMS, Roadwork, Stopped Veh. (DGT 3.0).802.11p (ITS-G5) and Cellular C-V2X (5G).C-Streets Project (802.11p (ITS-G5)) for urban environment.R3CAV: 3GPP C-V2X uses cases for autonomous drivingOpenVia: 3GPP C-V2X for intelligent roads, use cases for highwaysERASMO: Multisensor and V2X communications (IEEE 802.11p) integrated with GNSS engine for autonomous driving.GMV Smart Mobility Suite solution ready to integrate with third-party platforms. More information about C-ITS V2X communications GMV Smart Mobility Suite Customized developments Strengths and Experience Strengths and Experience What are our main strengths?More than 20 years developing custom specifications for automotive applications.Profound knowledge of automotive standards and processes.Agile methodology.Robust and reliable software solutions tailored to the automotive industry's stringent safety and performance standards.Our proficiency in verification, validation, and compliance with industry regulations ensures that the SW components developed maintain the highest safety, security, and reliability levels.Experience and capacity to integrate with customer and/or third-party platforms, including CI/CD.TISAX certification (Information Security Assessment): your assets are protected.What have we done in this area?Multiple Telematic services for FICOSA along different platforms for numerous OEMS. High-Quality Automotive SW Engineering Documents Automotive presentation Operational and R&D projects GMV’s most notable Projects for the Automotive Sector These are some of our Operational Projects:GNSS-based tolling: Satelise Cybersecurity: Ficosa, vulnerability assessment, ISO21434, etc. eCall systems: Ficosa and Grupo RuizC-V2x communications for intelligent roads: Openvia (Globalvia)C-ITS PortoThese are some of our R&D Projects:GNSS-based systems: ESCAPE, ERASMO and R3CAV.Cooperative ITS Deployments: C-STREETS and C-ROADS.Gonvarrri: Road Steel (C-ITS)Bip &Drive (RUC)Itinere (RUC - eTolling) Customers, Collaborations & Partnerships Our projects Success Stories Video GNSS solution for autonomous driving project Video Project C-Roads Video Success Story: Award from CLEPA 2022 for GMV GSharp® for Automotive Video Project Remourban Media Our videos Video Satellite Navigation enabling the way from science fiction to the next generation of autonomous cars Video Understanding the Vulnerabilities in Connected Vehicles Video GMV GSharp (R) News Autonomous Driving & ADASPositioning, navigation, and timing GMV's Precise, Safe Positioning: Enhancing Your Rearview Mirror Experience Automotive GMV winner in the CLEPA ‘Smart & Safe’ Awards AutomotivePositioning, navigation, and timing GMV takes another step in the provision of positioning technology for automated driving All Automotive Roads of the Future: The Technological Innovations that will Change Mobility Forever 20 Mar Automotive GMV tackles the transformation of Spain’s automotive sector in the ANFAC Forum All Automotive Driving innovation in the automotive industry: Lessons from space, avionics, and cybersecurity More news
Video Satellite Navigation enabling the way from science fiction to the next generation of autonomous cars