VLC Softing 2021

 The pandemic has made ICTs expensive, while at the same time underscoring our dependence on technology. This ever greater dependence can also be seen in a substantial increase of cyberattacks. The issue remains the same: data.

 In this context, this year´s VLCSOFTING, organized by the Instituto Tecnológico de Informática (ITI), is focusing on cybersecurity in order to tackle a global challenge which crosses borders and affects everyone.

The event, which takes place online, brings together the CEOs and CIOs of the main technology and industrial companies. Carlos Sahuquillo, the technical leader of Cybersecurity at GMV Secure e-Solutions Embedded Systems, will take part at the event with a talk on “Cybersecurity vs Safety in autonomous driving” (11:30).



11:30 h

Source URL: http://www.gmv.com/communication/events/vlc-softing-2021