Industrial Cybersecurity: the New Profession

The journal Automática e Instrumentación is organizing the Round Table discussion “Industrial Cybersecurity: the New Profession” in which they will answer the following questions: Why do we need to protect industrial facilities from cyberattacks? Why is a specialty other than online cybersecurity needed in other production sectors (finance, insurance, etc.)? Why is there talk of the need to integrate IT/OT knowledge? What standards are used? Are they mandatory? What type of training is required to become an industrial cybersecurity specialist? Where can one study and in what degree program(s)?
Javier Hidalgo, GMV Industrial Sector Solutions Architect, will be part of the discussion together with other experts such as Ignacio Armesto (Universidad de Vigo), Adriel Regueira (Tecdesoft), Juan Carlos Pozas (Siemens) and Juan Manuel Ferrer (Iturcemi).