2021-2023 Strategic Plan for the ITS Sector

The purpose of GMV’s strategic plan for the ITS sector (2021-2023) is to develop new ITS products for road and rail public transportation, private transportation and manufacturers in the automotive industry. These products include:

  • New range of onboard products for fleet management and control systems, as well as for electronic fare collection systems.
  • New range of onboard products for:
    • Public transport management (service control and management systems, passenger information systems, video surveillance systems, advanced driving systems), mobility and automotive solutions.
    • The sale and validation of public passenger transport tickets.
    • Evolution of the hardware abstraction platform for all on-board equipment and next-generation ITS devices (Deepsy platform).
  • Evolution of the new software platform (both back-office and on-board) for advanced ITS solutions for public transport management (ITS_SUITE).
  • Evolution of the Palview platform with the aim of incorporating new advanced functionalities in this SaaS mobility ITS solutions platform.

Source URL: https://gmv.com/about-gmv/get-know-company/rdi-aid/2021-2023-strategic-plan-its-sector