
Conjunction analysis and collision risk assessment service supporting all types of orbital regimes and missions.

General Information

GMV’s Focusoc operations center provides safety of flight services based on the augmentation of the services currently provided by the 18SDS as per a dedicated SSA Data Sharing Agreement signed between USSTRATCOM and GMV.

Focusoc provides Conjunction Assessment (CA) & Collision Avoidance (COLA) services based on operational data, with full automation and extending the validity of the 18SDS SP catalog with extended validity and CDM from any provider, with full automation.

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  • Currently supporting GEO MEO and LEO missions for +10 operators.
  • Expert support from GMV flight dynamics team.
  • 80+ continuously monitored satellites.
  • Direct interface for the operator.
  • Very short latencies (~5min).
  • Conjunction prediction with 15 days in advance in GEO and 7 days in LEO..
  • Consistency checks performed in catalog ephemeris.
  • Computation of Probability of Collision.
  • Compliance with CCSDS standards.
  • Takes into account operational maneuvers.
  • Detailed Email Reports.

Focusoc provides three components of the miss distance and the Probability of Collision of each encounter. It is able to process operational covariance information, and the uncertainty is estimated daily for the catalog orbits taking into account the variability in the last 24 days.

Focusoc provides the current status of the operator’s fleet, CDM information database, and extra analysis plots, products and visualization tools through a dedicated web interface updated in real time.

It allows fully automated interaction through dedicated REST API.

Focusoc performs advanced analysis for high risk events, including B-plane plots, scaled probability study, and parametrical analysis of Collision Avoidance Maneuvers, selecting the optimal maneuver that mitigates the risk with lower Delta-V.

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