Home Back New search Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space Space Current threats to Global Navigation Satellite Systems 29/11/2023 Print Share The use of technology, applications, and services associated with GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) is increasingly widespread, cementing GNSS as a key element of critical industries in both the public and private sectors. This critical dependence on GNSS systems results in an increase of risks and threats that, if not adequately addressed, may have devastating consequences. According to the European Commission, 7% of the European economy currently depends on navigation satellite signals. There are several aspects to take into account in relation to this new reality: First, each and every one of the many threats must be considered, in the knowledge that enemies will analyze all vulnerabilities and attack the weakest point. Second, the security of GNSS systems is not only affected by cyberthreats, but also by a wide range of natural, technical, logistical, human, and physical threats. A GNSS system is a complex ecosystem covering not only the three specific segments (space, ground, and user) but also the industrial field and the associated services and applications, making it necessary to analyze and consider the threats intrinsic to each field. It is also necessary to consider indirect threats, as threats to one segment or field may affect another segment or field due to interconnectivity among them. In addition to typical threats to GNSS systems, the space industry must pay special attention to cyberthreats to intellectual property and the supply chain. The Russia-Ukraine war has reshaped the current state of threats, increasing the risk to GNSS systems. Cooperation among all components of the GNSS ecosystem is of vital importance to keep networks, systems, and services secure. GMV is fully aware of the serious and complex nature of the current situation, which is why it is constantly analyzing the threats to GNSS systems and preparing strategic intelligence reports on the threat that are distributed to the government agencies involved, helping design more secure systems and boosting trust in the systems and services developed and provided by GMV. Print Share Related Space GMV to support the evolution of the Galileo Reference Centre Space The small satellites industry boosts its future at the SSSIF in Malaga Space GMV participates in the III Space Day of EMACOT of the Air and Space Force