Home Communication Events Back New search in Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space Corporate Quantum Matter International Conference Print Share Details QUANTUMatter 2023 is the 3rd edition of the Quantum Matter International Conference. This event has the aim of gathering the various communities engaged in the science and technologies of quantum information and quantum matter, to foster the incubation of new ideas and collaborations at the forefront of quantum technologies, emerging quantum materials, and novel generations of quantum communication protocols, quantum sensing, and quantum simulation. GMV will be a sponsor of this leading conference in the field of quantum technology, and it will have its own stand at the event to serve as a point of contact between the company and those attending. REGISTRATION Details 23/05/2023 - 25/05/2023 Address Madrid (Spain) MORE INFO Related Corporate GMV celebrates the incorporation of 90 new interns Corporate GMV celebrates one year of its internal K2 AI project with the participation of Edurne Pasaban Corporate Together, we go further