Home Communication News Back New search Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space Space GMV participates in the III Space Day of EMACOT of the Air and Space Force 17/02/2025 Print Share GMV participated in February in the III Space Day organized by the School of Command, Control, and Telecommunications Techniques (EMACOT) of the Air and Space Force. Ricardo Sáenz Amandi, Director of Defense and Security Programs at GMV, and Alberto Águeda, Director of Space Traffic Surveillance and Management at GMV, represented the company at the event, which focused on the latest advancements and challenges in the space sector.The day, inaugurated by Major General Jerónimo Domínguez Barbero, Chief of the General Air Command, began with a lecture on "Space Dominance in the Armed Forces" given by Major General Isaac Manuel Crespo Zaragoza. Subsequently, the programs of the Multidomain Systems Command were addressed in a presentation by Colonel Manuel María Jiménez Rodríguez, followed by the presentation of the "NumantIA" project, winner of the national phase of the CASSINI Hackathon and third prize in Europe, by cadets from the LXXVI class of the AGA studying at EMACOT.Throughout the day, technical conferences delved into key areas such as the capabilities of the Aerospace Observation Systems Center (CESAEROB), presented by Lt. Col. José Felipe Vega Andrades, and the functions of the Space Surveillance Operations Center (COVE), presented by Lt. Col. Manuel Olmos Holgado.The session featured a joint strategic vision, led by Lt. Col. Manuel Olmos (Air and Space Force) and Cristina Pérez (Spanish Space Agency), who lead the Space Surveillance and Tracking (SST) systems in Spain: COVE, with a military focus, and S3TOC, dedicated to the civil sector.During their presentation, Ricardo Sáenz and Alberto Águeda highlighted GMV's main activities in the fields of Space, Defense, and Security, emphasizing the company's leadership in key projects both nationally and internationally. In particular, they highlighted GMV's role in the design and development of space surveillance and tracking systems, as well as innovative solutions for the protection of critical infrastructures and the management of orbital threats. They also addressed the growing issue of space debris, a challenge that affects both the sustainability of space operations and the safety of satellites in orbit, with monitoring, avoidance, and removal of space debris being essential. Print Share Related Space Innovation and Space Collaboration at SATELLITE 2025 Space GMV key role in CAT-IOD, the ESA’s pioneering mission in Active Debris Removal Space ESA expands the WorldSoils project