Home Communication News Back New search Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space Space Safety GMV showcases its technological capabilities to members of DGAM, MESPA and COVE as part of the CCSE Program 21/11/2024 Print Share As part of the Space Situational Awareness and Control System (Conocimiento y Control de la Situación Espacial: CCSE) Program, military and civilian personnel of the Directorate General of Weapons and Material (Dirección General de Armamento y Material: DGAM) of the Ministry of Defense, the Space Command (Mando del Espacio: MESPA) and the Space Surveillance Operations Center (Centro de Operaciones de Vigilancia Espacial: COVE) of the Spanish Air and Space Army (Ejército del Aire y del Espacio: EA) visited GMV's Tres Cantos headquarters. The visit gave them a close-up look at the company's technological capabilities and some of the cutting-edge projects it is working on.The CCSE program, promoted by DGAM, aims to guarantee space situational awareness and surveillance to support Spanish Armed Forces operations. GMV is leading the development and deployment of the CCSE System for the COVE.During the visit the delegation toured other key areas of GMV's facilities. The first stop was the EUTELSAT room, used for control center operations, where the functions and peculiarities of satellite telecommunications operations were explained. The visitors then moved to the GCS (Galileo Ground Segment) room, a replica of the Galileo program operations, where they were shown how this fundamental system for European satellite navigation is managed.The visit continued in the robotics laboratory and in Platform-art©, where the latest advances in Guidance, Navigation and Control (GNC) systems were presented, placing GMV as a leader in this technology. Special attention was given to work related to space missions, with special mention being made of advanced autonomous navigation systems.Finally, a presentation was made of one of the antennas of the passive radiofrequency satellite tracking system Focusear, used by GMV for its space surveillance activities.Public-private collaboration, together with a commitment to technological innovation, is key to bolstering Spain's capabilities in areas like space surveillance and control, a domain in which GMV is a European leader, through programs like the CCSE. Furthermore, it demonstrates the importance of the private sector in the development of advanced solutions that contribute to the security and space operations of the Spanish Armed Forces. Print Share Related Space SafetyCybersecure Infrastructures CYSAT 14 May - 15 May Space Safety Military Space Situational Awareness 28 Apr - 30 Apr Space Safety European planetary defense mission Hera sends first images and analysis of Mars