7th enerTIC Awards

On Thursday 12 December the State Secretariat for Digital Progress hosted the prize-giving ceremony of the 7th enerTIC Awards. The prize scheme called “Innovation and technology for energy efficiency in the digital era” was born with the aim of identifying the benefits of information and communication technologies for improving energy efficiency and sustainability and bringing these benefits to wider notice.

The CITIES Timanfaya project, an initiative of the Art, Culture and Tourism Centers of Lanzarote Island Council (Centros de Arte, Cultura y Turismo Cabildo de Lanzarote) is a finalist of this prize scheme in the Smart Mobility and Smart Tourism categories. GMV is participating in this project together with the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, both being members of the plataforma enerTIC.



Source URL: https://www.gmv.com/media/events/7th-enertic-awards