
As usual GMV will be attending the latest International Conference on Space Operations SpaceOps 2021, to be held online this year from 3 to 5 May.

SpaceOps (International Committee on Technical Interchange for Space Missions Operations and Ground Data Systems) was set up in 1992 to promote and keep up an international community of space-operations experts. It is run by two committees: an Executive Committee and a Committee-at-Large. It is currently made up by space-agency members plus non-space agency members from academia and industry.

SpaceOps is a note-swapping forum on methods, trends and tools in the field of space-mission operations; it publishes a Journal of Space Operations & Communications and runs an award scheme to hail the best-performing space-operations persons and teams.

SpaceOps brings together space-operations experts such as ground-segment and mission designers, industrial mission operators, mission logistics engineers, technical managers and administrators, etc, to debate and promote technical concepts, emerging technologies and advanced space-operations measures.

GMV, a SpaceOps sponsor, will be running a virtual stand displaying its wide range of space-sector products.


03/05/2021 - 05/05/2021

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