Smart Industry 4.0 Breakfast

On the upcoming 15 February, under the enerTIC-brokered sector program, Madrid will be hosting the "Smart Industry 4.0 Breakfast" concentrating on the consumer goods sector (food and beverage manufacturers).

The purpose of this event is to set up a meeting point between, on the one hand, the standout executives and decision-makers of the consumer goods sector and, on the other, the main suppliers of technological solutions for improving energy efficiency and sustainability.

As a key member of the enerTIC platform, GMV will be taking part in the following debates:

  • Identify challenges and opportunities in the application of ICTs for improving energy efficiency, innovation and digital transformation in the consumer goods sector.
  • Stimulate innovation to create new Industry-4.0-adapted services and solutions.
  • Pinpoint the main barriers and inhibitors for using new technologies.
  • Bring to wider notice the new technologies that are going boost competitiveness, sustainability and help to bring systems into line with regulatory changes and the growing demands of a society ever more conscious of the importance of sustainability.



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