32nd Telecommunications and Digital Economy Encounter

The Spanish Association of Electronics, Digital Contents and ICT Companies (Asociación de Empresas de Electrónica, Tecnologías de la Información, Telecomunicaciones y Contenidos Digitales: Ametic) and Banco Santander are organizing this year’s encounter under the banner “Giving digital industry a voice”. The event aims to delve into the main thrusts of the digital transformation and the business opportunities it presents, examining too the challenge posed to society by digitalization and championing the digital industry’s role in the whole digitalization process of society.

GMV, as event sponsor, is taking part in the healthcare and cybersecurity debating panels to be held on 4 September. Carlos Royo, Healthcare Strategy Manager is participating in the digital healthcare debate under the title, “The role of technology in the sustainability of the national health system and the management of healthcare” (17.00 hours). For his part, Javier Zubieta, Marketing and Communication Manager and cybersecurity expert, is taking part in the cybersecurity debating panel under the title “An opportunity for innovation and entrepreneurship.” (18.30 hours). On the last day of the event Sara Gutiérrez, Manager of the Automotive Business Unit, is taking part in the panel discussion "Cybersecurity in autonomous and connected automobiles" (13.00 hours).


03/09/2018 - 05/09/2018

Source URL: https://www.gmv.com/media/events/32nd-telecommunications-and-digital-economy-encounter