Malaga University’s 10th Security, Emergency and Catastrophes Conference

GMV is taking part in Malaga University’s 10th Security, Emergency and Catastrophes Conference (X Jornadas de la Universidad de Málaga sobre Seguridad, Emergencias y Catástrofes) organized by the Chair of Security, Emergency and Catastrophes of Malaga University and the Department of Psychobiology and Methodology of Behavioral Sciences.

This two-day conference takes in lectures, panel discussions, workshops and exhibitions and displays by emergency stakeholder bodies. Outstanding national and international speakers deal with current civil and military themes to do with psychological and healthcare-based intervention, logistics, rescue procedures, civil protection and integral security in emergency and disaster situations.

As well as running a stand displaying its wide range of security and emergency solutions, GMV will also be holding a specific workshop on its technologies and solutions. Juan Carlos Llorente, GMV’s Director of ITER/Robotics Business Development, will be taking part in the panel discussion “Research and development of technologies in the field of emergencies”, to be held on the morning of Thursday 28 April.


28/04/2016 - 29/04/2016

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