SCEWC 2016

As a member of the Smart City Valladolid and Palencia (Smart City VyP) association, GMV is going to the latest Smart City Expo World Congress (SCEWC 2016), the world’s biggest smart-mobility and smart-city event, to be held from 15 to 17 November in Barcelona.

Smart City VyP, is an association that brings together public and private stakeholders in the common aim of attracting and carrying out groundbreaking projects in Palencia and Valladolid. This year it will be running a 30m2-stand to be shared with its partners, like GMV, that have wanted to accompany it in this initiative.

Furthermore, on the afternoon of Tuesday 15 November, a day given over to “smart mobility” activities, Ana Herrera, Smart Cities Business Development Manager / Intelligent Transportation Systems, will be giving the paper “Smart mobility solutions for Malta public transport management”.

On Wednesday 16 there will be a session on Remourban, one of the three European Commission-funded lighthouse projects in the first call for proposals for Horizon 2020 Smart Cities and Communities. Under this project, in which GMV is playing a key role, Valladolid is a lighthouse city together with Nottingham (UK) and Tebebasi (TK). Fátima López, GMV’s ITS project manager, will be giving the paper: “Remourban. Towards sustainable mobility in Valladolid lighthouse city”

Last year in 2015 Barcelona’s Smart City Expo World Congress attracted a turnout of 14,288 with 485 exhibitors from 568 cities around the world. An even bigger turnout is expected in 2016 and the exhibition area has been increased by 30%.


15/11/2016 - 17/11/2016

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