Home Back New search Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space Space GMV in ngEO, the new access gate to ESA data 26/11/2012 Print Share As part of the ngEO project (Next Generation User Services for Earth Observation) of the European Space Agency (ESA) a GMV-led consortium has won the contract for the implementation phase of the generic ngEO system. This project involves the development of an integrated system designed for easy deployment, configuration and administration in several operational contexts in parallel (GMES Sentinel PDGS, CDS, ESA’s Multi-mission infrastructure and EarthCare). It will provide a set of generic services: product metadata catalogue, browsing images, data access, shopcart management, dataset/authorization/data access service management, etc. The ngEO system is a strategic project for ESA’s user services, designed to replace the current access system to ESA products (EOLi), used by the whole industry to apply for and acquire the products of practically all the agency’s missions. As well as project coordinator GMV will also be acting as system integrator. Print Share Related Space GMV awarded a prize by the British Embassy in Spain for its commitment to the space industry Space GMV secures major contract for ESA’s CyberCUBE mission to bolster Space Cybersecurity Space Seville hosts LangDev 2024: the aerospace sector and security, key players