Home Back New search Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space Healthcare GMV participates in the SNC_Integra project for treating diseases of the Central Nervous System 09/10/2012 Print Share The main purpose of this project is to obtain thoroughly safe and efficient drugs for treating pathologies of the central nervous system, to head off the advance of the illness, reduce associated symptoms, repair damage, cut down side effects and improve administration regimes. The overall effect will be to improve the patient’s quality of life and lighten the healthcare load. GMV is one of the members of the consortium being led by Laboratorios Farmacéuticos ROVI, SA and also involving the participation of biotechnology firms like Vivacell Biotechnology España, Bionaturis, Canvax Biotech, Vivia Biotech and Vivia Allosterics. In light of the expressed needs, GMV has taken on responsibility for developing and studying software products for in-silica ADME/Tox predictions and for integration and management of pipelines between companies of the biotechnology sector. To do so GMV will develop an in-silica ADME/Tox platform and global Saas LIMS integration platform, interoperable and safe, integrating the ICT platforms for converging drug development pipelines. Another of GMV’s responsibilities in the consortium is to create the online portal detailing project objectives, consortium members, news and events, operating also with a restricted access zone (http://sncintegra.gmv.com). The SNC_Integra project is being funded by the Industrial Technology Development Center (Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial: CDTI), with a €6.33 million input from the ERDF Technology Fund through the ERDF–Innterconecta program, which supports integrated large-scale strategic projects of experimental development that aim to produce groundbreaking, forward-looking technology with economic and commercial outlets at international level. European Union European Regional Development Fund A way of making Europe Print Share Related Healthcare 38th AMETIC Meeting on the Digital Economy and Telecommunications #Santander38 02 Sep - 04 Sep 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Healthcare Innovative Public Procurement Health Space 11 Jun - 12 Jun 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Healthcare AI can help with medical imaging training and diagnostic accuracy in primary care