Home Back New search Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space AutomotiveIntelligent Transportation Systems GMV opens a new office to house its automotive center and a new CERT center 30/11/2017 Print Share Right from the very start, back in 1984, GMV has based its business strategy on two mainstays: innovation-driven diversification and systematic territorial expansion. The recent international office openings in Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia and Darmstadt in Germany, for example, reflect the company’s hallmark internationalization drive. Back home, however, the company remains equally determined to cement its position too, especially in areas like Castilla y León, where so many of GMV’s breakthroughs have been staged.For this reason, on 27 November, GMV opened a new Valladolid office to house the new Cybersecurity Incident Response Center and the new automotive software development center. For GMV’s ICT and cybersecurity team the new site represents an enlargement of its facilities and the opening of a new Cybersecurity Incident Response Center to watch out for the overall security of networks and equipment, providing cybersecurity incident response services and offering consultancy and advice on system security threats and solutions.The Cyber Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) operating in this center has been accredited as a Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) by the US university Carnegie Mellon, placing GMV in the vanguard of prevention, incident-solving and cybersecurity intelligence exchange, as one of Spain’s few private firms that can boast this certification. The region of Castilla y León, for its part, is a major and prolific technology hub of the automobile sector, where GMV’s automotive team has been working for years, providing the software of the Telematic Control Units (TCUs) fitted on over two million Renault and Nissan vehicles. All this makes the technology group an international benchmark in telematic systems, cooperative ITSs, critical positioning technology and apps for the connected and autonomous vehicle; areas in which it will be working in this newly opened site. The decision to concentrate the supply of advanced automotive technology and cybersecurity in one site will enable the company to tap into the synergies between these sectors, where GMV already holds a leadership position, and build up a competitive edge over the rest. GMV, now with a 33-year track record behind it, has clocked up a 32.4% contracting growth in the last five years. The new office, needing highly skilled personnel, will have a positive job-generating effect in the region. Print Share Related Automotive GMV’s key participation in Tech.AD US Automotive Recognition for innovation in smart mobility at the Castilla y León Automotive Awards Automotive GMV GSharp® wins the Impulso Award for the Best Urban Mobility Project