Home Back New search Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space Healthcare GMV shares its experience of public healthcare procurement with the government of Castilla y León and local entrepreneurs 27/06/2017 Print Share In the event "Food- and Healthcare-Company Collaboration in the ICT Sector" (Colaboración empresarial en el sector TIC aplicadas a la salud y la alimentación) the Regional Authority of Castilla y León (Junta de Castilla y León) presented its game-changing public procurement initiative for modernizing the region’s health and social care for chronic patients and people living in a situation of dependence. In this event Carlos Royo, Business Development Manager of GMV Secure e-Solutions, explained one of the company’s inhouse healthcare ideas that might well help to implement the project of the Gerencia de Servicios Sociales (Social Services Management Office) for improving monitoring of chronic and dependent patients: i.e., its monitoring system for chronic, multi-pathology patients, part of the antari healthcare product suite.Working with the Innovating Public Procurement model, GMV has developed for the Galician Health Service (Servicio Gallego de Salud: SERGAS) its epidemiological and clinical data mining system HEXIN. On the strength of this, as Carlos Royo pointed out “the company is in a position not only to share its inhouse technology specially developed for the healthcare sector but also the knowledge and expertise gleaned from the experience of setting up a joint public- and private-sector project to improve public healthcare services, such as this new system created for the Galician Health Service”. This event jointly organized by the Platform of Technologies for Health and an Active and Independent Life (Plataforma de Tecnologías para la Salud y la Vida Activa e Independiente: eVIA)and FoodForLife, with the collaboration of the Entrepreneurial Innovation, Financing and Internationalization Agency (Agencia de Innovación, Financiación e Internacionalización Empresarial) of the Junta de Castilla y León, the Technical Directorate of Planning and Access to Social Services (Dirección Técnica de Ordenación y Acceso a los Servicios Sociales) of the Gerencia de Servicios Sociales announced the upcoming publication of specifications for phase 1 of the modernization of health and social care for chronic and dependent patients. Print Share Related Healthcare 38th AMETIC Meeting on the Digital Economy and Telecommunications #Santander38 02 Sep - 04 Sep 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Healthcare Innovative Public Procurement Health Space 11 Jun - 12 Jun 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Healthcare AI can help with medical imaging training and diagnostic accuracy in primary care