Home Back New search Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space GMV develops ONO's new intranet 2.0 21/01/2013 Print Share This new employee-centered internal communication system favors collaboration and information sharing ONO’s intranet has won worldwide recognition as one of the “world’s 10 Best Intranets of 2013” as announced by the company Nielsen Norman Group ONO, the Spanish broadband entertainment and communications company, has turned to GMV’s expertise, experience and proven innovation capacity for setting up its new intranet, driving a cultural change of collaboration and information-sharing in its internal processes. This new intranet is based on a corporate social networking site with the most advanced web 2.0 capabilities. With traditional intranets the company distributes corporate information to its employees through a web portal without any employee participation. ONO has gone a step further, setting up a social intranet, a collaboration tool where employees play the starring role with continual enriching feedback. Thanks to this groundbreaking intranet ONO’s employees can easily access all information and the various corporate applications and services, while also collaborating on an interactive basis, sharing information and working as a team on the various company processes. The new intranet features blogs, opinion forums, corporate schedules, wikis, image galleries and videos available for corporate audiovisual communication, adding up to a very dynamic and attractive tool. Users will also have their own personal pages displaying their personal details (length of service, post held, telephone number …), their position within the company organization, the social activity of the user (comments in documents, documents published, etc); it is also possible to send comments, etc, in Facebook style. The new intranet 2.0 favors talent management as a head-hunting tool for finding people with given knowledge and expertise. Mass employee takeup of such a social and participative tool helps to keep corporate objectives in line with employee aspirations, making them the main spokespersons of corporate culture and strategy. ONO’s intranet, among the world’s 10 best ONO’s new intranet has won worldwide recognition as one of the “world’s 10 best intranets of 2013” in a list chosen by the company Nielsen Norman Group. These intranet design annuals, the world’s most important website design and usability prizes, have been awarded since 2001 and past winners include some of the world’s most important firms. ONO was the only Spanish company among the 10 winners while GMV was the only Spanish website-development firm. GMV is one of the tried and tested suppliers of the Spanish broadband entertainment and communications company, ONO. Their collaboration dates back to 2009 with the development and operation of its online channel, allowing the operator’s clients to track down information, receive offers, procure products and services and enter a private client area offering different administration and support services. GMV’s wealth of experience and the right roll-out method were the crucial factors in carrying out this successful project in only four months. Print Share