Home Back New search Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space GMV sets up a new subsidiary in France 20/11/2012 Print Share This subsidiary continues the company’s ongoing international expansion policy, consolidating the various technological sectors it trades in The steady build-up of business in the area and the desire to strike up a closer relationship with local clients are the reasons for establishing a more stable business presence in France GMV, multinational technological group, has recently set up a new subsidiary in France as part of its ongoing project of expansion abroad. GMV’s close working relationship with the French space agency (CNES) and with other companies of the aerospace sector made it necessary to set up a more stable, on-the-spot presence in the country. The new subsidiary, located at 17 Rue Hermès, Ramonville St. Agne in Toulouse, will enable it to give its benchmark clients in France better coverage. GMV trades in technologically advanced markets and is an international benchmark in various sectors ranging from space to intelligent transportation systems, security and ICTs; to cater for this worldwide business it has already set up subsidiaries and offices in the USA, Spain, Malaysia, Poland, Portugal, Germany, Romania and India. Toulouse has built up a worldwide renown as an aerospace city. Since 1970 GIE Airbus has become one of the world’s most important commercial airliner manufacturers; the city is also the site of the theme park Cité de l’espace (Space City) dealing with the conquest of space. The French Space Agency (CNES), the Toulouse Space Center and new space-related research projects have all helped to make it a hi-tech city and university powerhouse with major schools like Supaero, L’Enac and L’Ensica.This city, which has become Europe’s prime space and aeronautics center, has been home for over two decades now to GMV engineers, posted there to help the company become one of CNES’s main contractors in missions analysis, flight dynamics and navigation and a benchmark supplier of Astrium and Thales Alenia Space in a wide range of disciplines. Throughout these 20-odd years GMV’s Toulouse-posted personnel have also participated in key projects such as Helios and ATV in CNES, Galileo and EGNOS in Thales Alenia Space or GMES in Astrium. Although in principle the activity of the new French company is geared mainly towards the abovementioned objectives, GMV’s presence in France is also expected to help it pinpoint and harness future business opportunities for the company’s other business lines. The new step reflects GMV’s determination to continue increasing and enhancing the level of cooperation with our top clients in France. In the words of Miguel Ángel Martínez, GMV’s Chief Business Development Officer “by setting up this subsidiary, close to CNES, GMV aims to strike up a closer relationship with its traditional clients, boost our client support and back up the activity of GMV’s trade professionals working there by providing local coverage and infrastructure. The net result will be better conditions for our activity in the country”. Print Share