Munich New Space Summit

From 15 to 17 May, new space experts from around the world will be gathering at the Munich New Space Summit 2023 to discuss ways to transform new space locally, nationally and at European level.

The summit is being hosted by Munich Aerospace at the Ludwig Bölkow Campus in Taufkirchen, with support from the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy‎ and the German Aerospace Industries Association (BDLI).

Presentations, round table discussions and experience exchanges will highlight the range of opportunities and challenges that new space represents. Renowned experts from various fields will speak on the innovations emerging in space and the issues that this transformation entails, including how to finance projects, how to turn promising ideas into viable products and services, and how governments can act on them.

Enrique Fraga, GMV’s General Manager of Space Systems EST, will be taking part in the round table discussion titled “High-Ranking European Officials of Industry on ‘New Space, Powerful Movement in Space - also for Europe?’”



15/05/2023 - 17/05/2023

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