6th ESA Cubesat Industry Days

The 6th ESA Cubesat Industry Days edition will mark the ten-year anniversary of IOD CubeSat missions at ESA. GMV won´t miss the opportunity to participate in this new edition summit, event that will take place in Leiden, The Netherlands from 12-14 September.

The CubeSat Industry Days serves as a forum to exchange information on the latest developments and future priorities and the ESA activities in the CubeSat domain; reflect on technology & mission roadmaps; as well as to discuss the technical & regulatory challenges (such as reliability and space debris mitigation requirements) facing the industry in sustaining further competitiveness and growth in this innovative and dynamic segment of the space sector.



12/09/2023 - 14/09/2023

Source URL: https://www.gmv.com/communication/events/6th-esa-cubesat-industry-days