Home Back New search Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space Space GMV attends Space Tech Expo Europe 22/11/2023 Print Share From 14 to 16 November, GMV participated in Space Tech Expo Europe, a major event for the space industry in Europe where key players come together to discuss topics such as space exploration, sustainability, NewSpace, cybersecurity, the general state of the industry, connectivity, and 5G capabilities for the satellite industry, among others. Space Tech Expo Europe is among the top showcases for leading companies in the space industry to display their latest developments. At the event, held in Bremen, Germany, GMV had its own stand and was represented by several members of the company. GMV presented some of its latest developments in the ground and space segments, including the company’s guidance, navigation, and control products for both satellites and launchers. Space Tech Expo has become one of Europe’s leading space technology events and a major forum for space industry stakeholders to share expertise. Print Share Related Space GMV to support the evolution of the Galileo Reference Centre Space The small satellites industry boosts its future at the SSSIF in Malaga Space GMV participates in the III Space Day of EMACOT of the Air and Space Force