R&D+I Aid
Challenges are our passion. Innovation is our response.
Always Innovating
GMV participates in a number of R&D+i projects, both nationally and internationally.
GMV’s mission is to develop advanced systems dedicated to maintaining technological leadership and a high level of competitiveness. That is why Research, Development, and innovation (R&D+i) plays a key role in positioning the company on the market, its sustainable growth, and its future as an organization.
AfriCultuReSAMASSARTEMIS CRYSTALAuGeMMICYBELEEMA4FLIGHTENABLE-S3Standardization of the RPAS remote pilot stationsHYPODEIODISPLAYMED-GOLDMySustainableForestNAVIPHYNEOSHIELD 2PERASPERA2018-2020 Strategic Plan for the ITS SectorIntraplan Radiance®Subsidy from the Regional Department of Economy, Employment, and Finance of Mad…TYPHONUrban GreenUPVALEMAATRIASatellite 2022R3CAVIDocStationParis Air Show 2023MRV4SOC projectLEONSEGSMESEOStrategic 2021-2023 plan in ITSEMERITUSFIREURISKCENTAURGEXTRECS CARIOQA Phase-A