Home Back New search Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space Intelligent Transportation Systems GMV will supply the Castilla y León Regional Government with the new Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) central management system 14/02/2024 Print Share The Castilla y León Regional Government has contracted GMV to supply and implement an ITS central management system that will integrate all public transportation information for the upcoming launch of the concessions that will be part of the New Concessional Regular Public Road Passenger Transport Map of Castilla y León. It will also manage all services that must be generated based on this information for the administration, operators, and citizens, with the aim of improving the technological systems associated with regional public transportation. The project, funded by the Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan, Is part of the plan defined by the regional government to achieve the goals established in the Transport Reorganization Plan. The basic version of the system must be operational before the new concessions begin their operation. Consequently, the implementation, with a duration of 22 months for supply and two years of warranty, will be structured in phases, ensuring that the first phase is executed in time for the start of operation of the new concessions. The project, representing the highest level in the ITS architecture defined by the regional government, includes the supply of a central system capable of integrating data from multiple operators. It consists of a back-end with functional services and a front-end for user management. The control center includes electronic fare collection CAD features, traveler information, and integration with the local CAD systems of other operators that make up level 3 of the regional governmen’'s ITS architecture. Print Share Related Intelligent Transportation Systems GMV plays a leading role at the 25th ITS Spain Congress Intelligent Transportation Systems 5th Edition of the ANFAC Forum 20 Feb Intelligent Transportation Systems 21st Metropolitan Mobility Observatory Technical Conference